#whorunNYad: Rachel Wolff

One of the reasons why I volunteered at Innovation Congress was to meet people like Rachel: talented folks in the digital ad business. She was part of the production team and we shared check-ins, breaks and lunch. She reminded me of many young women I’ve worked with and a little bit of myself when I was her… Continue reading #whorunNYad: Rachel Wolff

Takeouts from Innovation Congress #Innocon NYC 2017

When I planned to attend Innovation Congress, I imagined a day of inspiration. I expected #Innocon to be a conference of ideas, but it was much more: it was a great opportunity to connect with like-minded professionals, to learn about the current state of our industry and to just share my passion for everything digital.… Continue reading Takeouts from Innovation Congress #Innocon NYC 2017

What’s next in digital, tech and society: #Innocon NYC 2017

Since I moved to NY, I’ve tried to attend every interesting industry event I’ve found. A couple of editions of Design Driven NYC, product management talks, Content Strategy NYC at Huge, Chatbots strategies with Dashbot, women in tech with Microsoft and UN Women, urban mobility with Uber…. On my way to join @TechNYC, @NJTechCouncil and @Uber… Continue reading What’s next in digital, tech and society: #Innocon NYC 2017