#whorunNYad: Jasmine Sheth

I love New York and I love advertising. With #whorunNYad I want to meet, and later introduce you to, the people that truly run the advertising and marketing industries of NYC: the women, the POC, the immigrants… The people that have historically shaped this city’s creative industry but have historically been under-represented in its media, its events and its C-suits. This is our space, because we run this beautiful, creative, savage industry in this beautiful, creative, savage town.

Let me introduce you to Jasmine Sheth.


In the creative industry…

Who are you, what do you do and where?

Culture Cultivator, Talent Transformer and Brand Builder (Talent Director at IPG Mediabrands) and Chef at The Amuse Bouche.

Why do you do what you do?

I recruit to give a voice and a fair chance/representation to POC’s and Women in the workplace. Also, Paycheck. I cook so I have outlet for my creativity and need to step away from a computer screen and actually bring people together over provocative conversation and food.

What keeps you inspired?

The tough stories of POC’s weathering the storm to come out strong, the inspiring stories of POC’s being the Storm to force social change – this is how disruption happens, Female Executives who choose to use their success to give back and mentor other women.


What brought you here?

Grad School.

What keeps you sane?

Spices. Seriously, Cooking is my first passion and my therapy. I’ve always loved creating and combining different flavors to create a unique experience, it’s what inspires me as a Chef.

Where do you go to get great coffee / drinks?

Coffee: Fair Folks & A Goat; Devoción

Make yourself at home /// ??? /// ? @nick_smatt

Una publicación compartida de Fair Folks & a Goat (@fairfolks) el

Drinks: PDT

The Golden Orange is a new Armagnac sour for our menu: Tariquet VSOP Alessio Bianco Vermouth @aperolusa Grapefruit Lemon Kumquat Syrup

Una publicación compartida de Jeff Bell (@jeffreymbell) el

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